Maccreate builds creative community in Macclesfield : professional artists and community members collaborating to make Art.
Maccreate exists to build connections between diverse community groupings whilst at the same time raising the standard and profile of the Arts and Culture in Macclesfield by prioritising collaboration between local artists.
Maccreate already links and works with local cultural infrastructure such as the Macclesfield Silk Museum, Artspace, Macclesfield Library, IDST!, Macc ’n Chat, the New Macclesfield Art School and the Cultural Forum.
Unique about Maccreate is the collaboration between professional artists to make collaborative artwork whilst involving and engaging diverse members of our local community; we build community through making meaningful, professional standard art.
Our foundational strength is visual art, with plans to grow to include performing/literary art practice in the future. We help grow Macclesfield’s reputation for creative community.